Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fact becomes fiction...

I saw this piece on the news this morning (Today show) where they fact-checked some of the claims that Palin has been making about her experience and you guessed it, none of it is true.

Foreign Policy:
She went to Iraq- She actually went to Kuwait and stepped across the border.
She went to Ireland- Her plane stopped there for refueling.

Alaska produces 20% of of the of the nation's energy- they produce oil and it's about 11%.

She sold the former gov.'s private plane on ebay and made a profit- it did sell but the state of Alaska took a loss.

Bridge to nowhere-
She claims to have been against this earmark project. She has been crisscrossing the country telling people that she told the Feds. "thanks, but no thanks. The truth is there is video proof that she supported the project and only changed course when the Feds. pulled out, but she didn't see fit to return the earmark millions that had already come into the state for the project.

Last night on the Rachel Maddow show (MSNBC) she revealed that during Palin's administration in Wasilla, she charged women (victims) for the rape kit that is used to collect evidence in rape and sexual assault cases.

It is astonishing that this woman is even being given the time of day. Calling her a reformist is being kind. This woman is a cave dweller in terms of her thinking and regard for women's issues.

Friday, September 12, 2008

53 days and counting...

Boot camp and back to school have this old girl too tired for words, literally! When not doing all the things a "good" mother and wife has to do to keep the ship running, I am back on a steady diet of news. The Republican convention had me vexed to say the least. I can't believe the straight out lies that they try to pass off as a platform.
A few posts back I talked about an Obama win being up to us and that seems more true now then ever. Ask everyone you know if they are registered, if they aren't then get them registered. For new registrants you only need to reside in an area for 30 days prior to the election to be eligible to vote in that area. Decision day is a mere 53 days from today and we have to make sure we are armed as we march into battle.

Election Day 2008 countdown banner