Someone reached out to me on Facebook and asked what was up with my blog. To quote "Uh, dude, the blogging is done? Sept. 18th?" which was the date of my last post. No, the blogging is not done, it was just on a small hiatus. I originally eased up because I was doing the fitness bootcamp (which I loved) and quite frankly could only focus on one activity solely for my own personal fulfillment at a time. Then I was having trouble with my motivation, my blogging mojo, so to speak. I have had a ton of ideas, the election alone is fodder for ample opinions, but when it was time to put pen to paper, nothin'. My trusty notebook has been with me the whole time and is filled with opening sentences, thought bubbles, but nothing concrete. So this is me taking the necessary baby steps back to espousing my view on all things happening in the world.
1. The Secret Life of Bees was a good read and I am looking forward to the movie.
2. Tina Fey is the greatest female comedian since Lucille Ball and I forgive her for that Hillary thing.
3. I fell terrible that I have not seen the new Spike Lee movie yet.
4. I'm pretty sure that Puffy and Aubrey from Danity Kane had a physical relationship, they're disgust for each other is the type that comes from having been intimate w/someone. I love that song "Damaged".
5. I heard Jennifer Hudson say "mowtoe", she meant to say "motto". This happened when she was on Oprah. Ouch!!
6. In less then 20 days "Obama 08" will be a reality or there will be riots.
7. I think I want to become a personal trainer.
8. I've decided that I want my daughter educated in a same sex environment.
9. I have become a fan of "The View" this season, I DVR it and watch later. The hot topics portion is good t.v., Joy Behar is my favorite. I like Whoppie but she pissed me off when they had that conversation about the use of the "N" word and I'm holding a grudge.
10. To be fair I have at least one other fan, my sister has been on my case about getting back to the blog, but she is required to love what I do.
11. I celebrated my birthday in September.
12. My son started Viola lessons at school and seems to like it. Please God let this be the "thing". He needs another "thing" besides the Wii and Playstation.
13. I got onto Twitter.
Thanks Dee.