Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Worst nightmare...

Yesterday, at work I became one of those people, you know the ones who hit the send button on an email and send it to one or more people who shouldn't be getting it. Before yesterday I was one of those other people, you know the ones who couldn't believe that someone could be so careless or stupid to not pay attention to the people listed in the address box. In my work I have a little bit (a very little bit) of contact with politicians and other government folks, so yesterday I was copied on this letter from a colleague who was contacting someone in the governor's office. Well, I promptly replied to the sender and my other colleagues who were included in the communication with a few thank you's and a smart mouth comment. What I missed was that the governor's office guy was a part of the recipient group. Luckily, I didn't say anything to horrible or embarrassing, but I was nonetheless still mortified. As soon as I hit the send button I realized what I had done and I freaked! I tried to retract the email, I tried to delete the email, I called our help desk (that's a misnomer BTW because they were no help). About 5 minutes later I got a second email from the original sender letting me know what I had done. Dude I was well aware. Damn! Damn! Damn! I couldn't believe I had done that. I eventually pulled myself together and got over it a few hours and one coconut chocolate macaroon later. Moral of the story-be kind to those people, you never when you might become one of them.

1 comment:

Dee said...

HA! Happens to everyone, including myself, and yes, it went out someone I was talking ish about. I didn't care though, but it has taught me to be more careful. The technology of today is a belssing and a curse. These days if I want to talk crap about someone I will send a separate more "reply"ing or "forward"ing" for me!