My sister sent me a great post yesterday (
and it got me started reading other blogs. I read and clicked and read and clicked and in the end was thoroughly entertained/intrigued. I know what you're thinking, but I was still able to get my work done. Anyway, there are some really funny, witty, provocative folks gettin' they're thang on in the blogsphere. I thought I would take this opportunity to point you in the direction of a handful that I definitely will be visiting on regular basis. Unless otherwise noted attach ( onto the name of the blog to pay a visit.
ineedamartini (this is the otherwise noted one)
randomishnycsarcasm-this one is my sister's so I had to list it. :)
The other thing I want to say is thanks to all my peeps for reading and commenting on my posts. As I have alluded too in the past this is my ticket out of obscurity so I need you (if you haven't already) to post your comments on the blog, that way I will appear to be popular and widely read. In addition "fan out" tell everyone you can think of about my sterling wit and encourage them to take a peek.
I appreciate your support.
Maybe I will have another opinion to share soon....Be well.
Some more extra stuff about me:
Tonight is the season finale of Lost and it is going to be "CRAZY" good. Please don't even think about calling me after 9pm.
When Lyrics Get Lost in Translation
4 months ago