Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Post script: Fair and balanced...

Obviously, I was really pissed off when I posted the blog about Fox News. Heres the thing, my anger does not simply come from that particular incident, it stems from the blatant racism that they try to pass off as respectable political punditry. I read today that Cindy McCain had a prescription drug problem a few years ago and at the time she was using, she was stealing the drugs from a charity she founded. I don't see them bringing that up on Fox News. All that they continue to show in regards to her is her Michelle bashing, as she goes around professing her love and pride in her country. Imagine if Michelle was a recovering drug addict. What kind of coverage would be focused on that? We can only imagine. There is another aspect to this that I can't overlook, another aspect that empowers someone like Cal Thomas to feel as if he can sit up there and talk about black women with some sort of authority. That other aspect is the kinds of images that we allow to infiltrate the media. Shows like "Flavor of Love"and the "Bad Girls Club" do us no favors in their portrayals of angry, desperate, morally deficient women willing to sacrifice self respect and dignity for 15 minutes of fame. When are we going to become concerned enough about ourselves that we learn the power of saying "No". When will we strive to be judged on the merits of our intellect whether it is book learned or hard knock life earned. Obviously, I am aware that those images are representative of a small fraction of the community, but they are powerful nonetheless.

1 comment:

jaja said...

love the blog, truly support many of you views. I love the blog regarding the husband supermarket. I'ts not even a cultural issue it a man issue. Until next time Peace.